Spider Vein Treatment - leg with spider veins receiving an injection

Improving Spider Veins With Sclerotherapy Treatment

Spider Vein Treatment - leg with spider veins receiving an injection

Spider veins are slender, minuscule veins characterized by varying colors and visibility beneath the skin's surface. These veins derive their name from their resemblance to spider webs and some liken to the appearance of marble. They can manifest not only on the legs and ankles but also on the nose, cheeks, lips, hands, and other areas.

While not cause for immediate concern, many people may find spider veins unsightly as they cause blemishes and discoloration in more visible areas like the face, hands, and legs. GoodSkin offers Sclerotherapy treatment to reduce spider veins and heal the area. This simple, safe, and effective treatment can help return your natural, smooth skin.

Spider Veins

Spider veins, medically known as telangiectasias, are compromised blood vessels that become visible just below the skin's surface. These veins commonly exhibit red, blue, or purple hues, manifesting in clusters resembling spider webs or tree branches. Although these can occur anywhere on the body, they tend to develop most frequently on the legs and face.

Typically, spider veins do not pose a health risk and are considered harmless. Treatment usually occurs for cosmetic reasons, mainly if dissatisfied with their appearance. Fortunately, treatment is often effective in eliminating them without complications. Additionally, making lifestyle adjustments can help prevent the formation of new veins.

Generally, there's no immediate cause for concern regarding spider veins. They pose no significant danger in isolation, indicating minor damage to small blood vessels. These veins are primarily a cosmetic concern due to their discoloration. They are a prevalent occurrence, affecting over 50% of women.

Difference Between Spider Veins and Varicose Veins

Spider veins are not technically veins; they are damaged capillaries, venules, and arterioles. These small blood vessels connect with larger blood vessels as part of your circulatory system. However, people typically use the term "spider veins" due to its simplicity and ease of recall.

In contrast, varicose veins are indeed damaged veins. Veins are larger blood vessels that bring blood back toward your heart. Varicose veins appear larger than spider veins and often protrude outward beneath your skin.

Spider veins seldom cause symptoms, and individuals typically seek treatment for cosmetic reasons. On the other hand, varicose veins frequently lead to symptoms such as leg pain and discomfort. Consequently, people may seek varicose vein treatment for cosmetic enhancement and relief from associated symptoms.

It's worth noting that many individuals with spider veins may also have varicose veins. This overlap occurs because these two conditions share numerous causes and risk factors.


Many people may suddenly notice spider veins and not know when they developed or how long they’ve been present, especially on the legs and back. In the legs, these veins may develop when the valves within the veins lose their proper functionality.

Veins play a crucial role in carrying blood back to the heart. To prevent the backward flow of blood, they feature one-way valves that close once the blood has passed through them.

Spider veins in the legs can be connected to varicose veins. When valves weaken or sustain damage, the blood may encounter difficulties maintaining its correct flow direction, potentially leading to its accumulation inside the vein. Over time, this accumulation can result in a bulging appearance of the vein, branching out and giving rise to spider veins.

On the other hand, spider veins on the face often arise due to the rupture of tiny blood vessels. Increased pressure or damage from sun exposure can contribute to their occurrence. Various causes that may trigger spider veins include:

  • Injury or trauma
  • Hormonal changes
  • Connective tissue diseases
  • Genetic syndromes

Risk Factors

Some people may be more at risk than others for developing spider veins. Those with elevated risk may include these lifestyle aspects:

  • Prolonged periods of standing or sitting
  • Extended exposure to sunlight
  • Smoking or a history of smoking
  • Pregnancy
  • Use of hormonal birth control
  • Utilization of hormone therapy to manage menopause symptoms
  • A family history of these among close relatives
  • A body mass index (BMI) exceeding 30

It’s important to emphasize that these veins are not a sign or severe symptom of other issues. Many people live with them their whole lives and encounter no problems. The main reason for resolving spider veins is their appearance, especially on more visible areas like the face and lower legs. At GoodSkin, we emphasize safe and healthy results, working with clients to find the ideal outcome for them.

GoodSkin Treatment

Receiving treatment at GoodSkin clinics always involves a significant amount of care, consideration, and preparation. We specifically work to provide clients with their unique Untouched Look™. The Untouched Look represents the optimal, healthiest, and most genuine expression of your natural self. Every aspect of the GoodSkin Method, from initial diagnosis to ongoing treatment, is thoughtfully planned and equally crucial in preserving your timeless and uniquely authentic appearance.

The GoodSkin Method commences with thoroughly evaluating your innate genetic characteristics, encompassing factors such as bone structure, muscle composition, skin quality, fat distribution, and fascia integrity. This approach provides invaluable insights into the aging process, serving as the cornerstone for building a comprehensive treatment plan.

Following this assessment is a thorough diagnosis and the crafting of your Healthy Aging Plan, which adjusts as treatments proceed. Each client is unique and does not come in with a singular problem. We provide a plan to help you age and look your best at all stages of life. Should spider veins be an area of concern requiring treatment, sclerotherapy may be a good option.

Sclerotherapy For Spider Veins

Spider veins can show intricate patterns on the skin, resembling spider webs, that some clients may not want to see. Besides their unsightly appearance, varicose veins and spider veins can occasionally cause discomfort, including pain and itching. Sclerotherapy, also known as spider vein removal, can enhance your appearance and alleviate discomfort associated with these web-like veins.

Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure with a history dating back to the 1930s. It has been employed to address spider and varicose veins and is regarded as one of the most effective methods for eliminating undesirable leg veins.

This procedure entails directly injecting a solution into a targeted vein, prompting the treated vein to close and gradually vanish from sight over time. The body naturally absorbs the treated blood vessel (vein).

We utilize Asclera, an FDA-approved prescription medication effective on small varicose and spider veins with a diameter of 3 mm or less. Asclera is a specialized solution used in sclerotherapy, designed to address two types of lower extremity veins:

  • Uncomplicated spider veins (very small veins with a diameter of ≤ 1 mm).
  • Uncomplicated small varicose veins (ranging from 1 to 3 mm in diameter), known as reticular veins.

The distinguishing factor of Asclera lies in the quality and consistency of the medication. This drug was manufactured under rigorous quality control standards. Furthermore, Asclera has undergone thorough patient studies and assessments to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

Cohesive, Collective Beauty

Frequently underestimated, harmonizing the appearance of your hair, chest, hands, and other body parts with your facial features is a fundamental aspect of attaining a cohesive, Untouched Look. As we age, various changes occur, such as thinning hair, loosening neck skin, the visibility of veins on the hands, and spider veins on the legs.

We address all these areas concurrently with the face through diverse techniques, guaranteeing a uniform and consistent aesthetic across the entire body, including the abdomen, legs, and buttocks. This approach results in a more natural and unaltered appearance. If spider veins are one of your concerns, the GoodSkin staff can address them safely and provide a cohesive and natural look to match your unique beauty. Reach out to learn more about GoodSkin techniques today.


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